Blind Date with a Book TASK and PRESENTATION (Speaking skills group)

- Choose a book.
- Write the number on the register sheet.
- Read it.
- Choose five new interesting words.
OPTION A (class presentation)
- Title
- Author
- Sumarise the book without telling the ending.
- Things you liked.
- Things you didn’t like.
- Personal opinion.
- Introduce the 5 words to the class.
- Send the teacher this information to be corrected and posted together with a picture of you presenting the book on the blog:
OPTION B (video presentation)
- Title
- Author
- Sumarise the book without telling the ending.
- Things you liked.
- Things you didn’t like.
- Personal opinion.
- Introduce the 5 words to the class.
- Send the teacher this information before recording it to be corrected in order to post the video on the blog:
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