The beginning of a new project: everything started in Norwich

The idea of this new project started in Norwich last August when I was doing a course on Blended Learning. The original idea was to combine a kind of blended learning called flipped learning with a book club.
At NILE, the organisation running the Blended Learning course, I met Beata, a Polish girl who teaches English and has a website to share ideas with other English teachers, and she asked me to be recorded for her website telling teachers around the world about my project. and this is the video we recorded in Norwich.
Nuria is a teacher of English from Spain. Her book club project is what we keep our fingers crossed for. Why? Watch and see. And perhaps this is exactly the idea you have been waiting for ...
Nuria teaches English in a language school in Spain. In this interview she talks about her new project - a book club, which kicked off as a bit of a disaster last year. But that initial hurdle never stopped Nuria on the way to make her book club dream work.
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